Wow! The summer is slipping away too quickly. I have spent most of my weekends working as a travel counselor at a rest area along Interstate 80. What a great experience it has been. I have met so many interesting and kind people who are traveling eastbound through Nebraska. Many returning home after vacations out in the western part of the country, some moving from the West to eastern locations, many truck drivers, many heading to vacations in Minnesota, Wisconsin, MIchigan and even Maine.
One afternoon, two old yellow school buses pulled in. One of the drivers came in and explained that she was helping her sister move an animal rescue farm from Oregon to Maine!!! One bus was full of animals, the other full of birds. That's a long haul for the animals.
I have also met people exploring the United States from European countries and South America. Several from Canadian provinces making the southern loop. Everyone was pleased to have a real person at the rest area. We offer brochures from all over Nebraska of communities and different events happening. We give away free road maps and are able to show travelers where they were in the State and how long it will take them to reach further Eastern destinations. Our maintenance people (looking at you Fernando and Dulce) are hard working, awesome people who keep the rest area clean and working. They always have a smile and a hello to share.
We have had some serious weather here in Nebraska this summer. One Saturday, the rain and hail were so bad that the State Patrol closed the interstate for a short time. There have also been some serious accidents, so please drive safe and pay attention!
It has been a wonderful experience and I was lucky to have it. There are still a few weeks to go this summer and I hope to continue to enjoy it all.
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