Another round of winter showing its prowess over the earth. More snow, and now subzero temperatures. The roads are drifted shut in many places and it is dangerous to travel anywhere anyway. We had plans to go to Lincoln to watch the matinee performance of Les Miserables but decided that it wouldn't be safe in these dangerous temperatures. We gave the tickets away to a couple who live in Lincoln and although they will have to go out into the cold, they won't have to drive very far! I was looking forward to this outing for a couple of months but I am so glad that someone who will appreciate the event is going!
There have been many postings on Facebook of "sundogs". This one is from photographer Rick Rasmussen of Grand Island, Nebraska.
This cold snowy weather has got me dreaming about this year's gardens and what we will plant. I know that several lavendar plants will be going in. I am hoping that they will defer the deer from eating our garden plants. Our gardens are close to the highway so also don't want to create any dangerous situations. We have had deer in the yard and the neighborhood often but do not want to exacerbate the situation.
We continue to put out cat food for the resident "King George" who lives under our house at times. He makes the rounds of the neighborhood and is still looking quite healthy.
We have some frozen water pipes that we are hoping will thaw soon. The temps are expected to rise later this week. Hoping it doesn't take that long as it is the hot water pipe in the kitchen sink. I'll keep you posted.
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